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  >  For institutions

About Us

Let’s talk about you! If you are also a teacher with good values, good intentions, and who pays attention to the children then there is no need to explain how difficult the situation is. To the best of your ability you want good, but you don’t always have the right tools and resources to make it happen.

However, both children and teachers deserve high-quality equipment to play with and develop children.

You shouldn’t have to worry about buying new toys and equipments every six months or so, because they can’t withstand intensive use.

The Yogoplay Team is here to show you the possibilities and games for the development of different areas and sub-areas. To help you choose toys that in addition to being great development tools, can withstand institutional use and are also aesthetically pleasing, which are a pleasure for the teacher to work with and for the children to play with.

Why Yogoplay?

The Yogoplay Team is dedicated to educating parents.

One of our main goals is to give parents tools for raising their children. We do all of this with the help of specialists such as:

Emese Szanyi – certified Montessori teacher

Virág Sárosdi – special education teacher

Bernadett Horváth – speech therapist, speech development consultant

We make educational videos and blog posts, from which parents can learn what areas they can develop with each toy.

On the Yogoplay website you can also choose between development toys by development area, e.g. gross motor movement, mathematics, fine motor movement, etc. Our unique product range includes Paper Theatre, which is a storytelling method that we recommend especially for institutions.

Our experts can also help nurseries and kindergartens in the design of a Montessori group room or in the Montessori training of teachers.

You can read about this in detail under point 4. How can we help?


Several public and private institutions have already chosen us for the purchase of equipment because the quality of our special developmental toys, which are not available anywhere else provides long term solutions to nurseries and kindergartens with a play park that makes the institution special, which convinces parents that they have chosen the best place for their child.

We are particularly proud that these two institutions were completely furnished by us:

Bodza Villa Family Nursery on Normafa
Family Nursery

In addition to nurseries and kindergartens, schools, libraries and foundations have also chosen us to develop their equipment park:


A-Z Nemzetközi Óvoda és Bölcsőde
A-Z Óvoda és Nemzetközi Bölcsőde
Bábakalács Montessori Óvoda
Bábel-Radics Katalin
Bogdánfy utcai Óvodáért Alapítvány1
Bonyhádi Varázskapu bölcsőde és óvoda
Bp. Föv. XIII. ker. Önkormányzat Egyesített Óvoda
Csillebérci Cseperedő Óvoda
Csólyospálosi Nyitnikék Óvoda és Mini Bölcsőde
Dorogi Zrínyi Ilona Óvoda
Ferencvárosi Csicsergő Óvoda
Ficánka Montessori Óvoda
Fővárosi Önkormányzat Óvodája
Gyermeksziget Montessori Óvoda Mosolygó Tagóvoda
III. számú Óvodáért Alapítvány
Jákó Gyerekbirodalom Óvoda Györgyi
Karcagi Nagykun Református Általános Iskola és Talentum Óvoda
Kereszt Utcai Óvoda Gyermekeiért Alapítvány
Kincses Sziget Óvoda
Környe Óvodás Gyermekeiért Alapítvány
Őriszentpéteri Katica Óvoda és Mini Bölcsőde
Piliscsabai Napsugár Óvoda
Püspökhatvani Eszterlánc óvoda
Siklósi Óvoda és Bölcsöde
Surdi Napköziotthonos Óvoda
Szentendrei Református Óvoda
Terézvárosi Önkormányzat Játékvár Óvodája
Tündérkert Óvoda
Wunderland Óvoda
Zselici Vadvirág Óvoda
Siklósi Óvoda és Bölcsöde
A gyermek ember alapítvány
AISB Alapítvány
Bagolyvár Alapítvány
Bogdánfy utcai Óvodáért Alapítvány1
Éljünk Együtt Alapítvány
Eurin Alapítvány
III. számú Óvodáért Alapítvány
Integrált Játék Pedagógiai Alapítvány
Kereszt Utcai Óvoda Gyermekeiért Alapítvány
Környe Óvodás Gyermekeiért Alapítvány
Leukémiás Gyermekekért Alapítvány
Maria Montessori Alapítvány
Papírsárkány Alapítvány
Szívem Csücske Alapítvány

How can we help?

In recent years, Yogoplay Kft. has provided equipment for several successful tenders, or supplied the complete equipment of the nurseries and kindergartens, meeting all needs. As a result a modern nurseries and kindergartens were created that meets the expectations of the 21st century, fully meeting the needs of teachers, children and parents.

Continuing education in Montessori pedagogy

Continuing education of teachers in Montessori pedagogy.
Complex training on how to use Montessori tools in kindergarten groups.

Organization of individual trainings for parents

For example, school preparatory training, or Montessori home design, speech therapy tasks that can be practiced at home, how to develop a child’s fine motor skills, speech initiation, speech development.

Our experts help in individual trainings: special education teacher, speech therapist, Montessori teacher, doula.

We welcome inquiries at

We make a proposal for the necessary equipment list

The list can include a selection of outdoor and indoor toys, sports and leisure equipment, making it a complete package.

Compiling a list of tools for the application

So that nothing is left out. In a normal annual purchase of equipment, it is not easy to make up for missed but necessary equipment, but in the case of a tender it is almost impossible.

We assemble the equipment list.

Based on the needs of the institution and the legal requirements, we compile the list of necessary tools, broken down into development areas.

Purchase of Montessori tools

Purchase of Montessori development tools accredited by the Montessori Foundation, compiled based on individual needs.

Purchase of Montessori furniture

Acquiring the necessary furniture for the Montessori group room designed to store Montessori tools accredited by the Montessori Foundation.

Design and manufacture of unique furniture

We assess the location, design and manufacture the furniture.

The nursery bed fits everywhere, but what if you want a 21st century modern nursery/kindergarten and there is no suitable ready-made furniture for it?

Our interior designer designs and manufactures the unique furniture based on the plans.

Design of Montessori group rooms

Our certified Montessori expert will help you put together the basic or extended equipment and furniture sets that are necessary for the design of Montessori group rooms, taking into account individual needs.

Preparation of price offers

For institutional purchases and tenders.

Discounted purchase - so that you don't have to buy the toys at full price

Institutions receive a 10-20% discount from retail prices.
We welcome requests for individual quotations at Our child-loving staff and experts are waiting to help.


To apply, please provide the following information:

1. Name of institution/foundation
2. Tax number
3. Address
4. Contact name
5. Contact person’s phone number
6. Contact email address


I look forward to your inquiry here:

Andrea Kövesi
